Sep 24Liked by Diane L. Gruber

Great article Diane, Every president for awhile have been rather weak when it comes to immigration, because liberal states use them for votes and compaines use them for labor, but with the Biden area it had been a massive disaster. If Trump can follow everything that is laid out in this article it will be a success for the country.

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Unfortunately this seems to be a bipartisan problem, as evidenced by the fact that Congress never seems to arrive at a rational immigration policy regardless of who is in power. This supposed inability to agree has been going on for decades, and I've come to realize that government failures that persist for decades must be intentional. There is a legitimate interest by our business community in importing workforces; similarly there is legitimate interest by foreigners in working here. This has always been the case. In an honest environment, businesses and the federal government would long since have arrived at a rational, legal process for having those people working here. But our businesses and our government obviously aren't honest because they obviously WANT ILLEGAL ALIENS WORKING HERE. Why do they expressly want illegal aliens and not legal ones? Why will it be difficult or impossible for anyone to be elected on a legal-immigration-only platform? READ: PLEASE READ: "Who Is Really Behind our Illegal Immigration?" https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/who-is-really-behind-our-illegal

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Another reason, to close the Border...https://youtube.com/shorts/rWUNCpVshrQ?si=LQu9WzrCNnqLHJRY

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This makes me growl! Sekulow is right. The church I attend has given money to the UN to help with humanitarian relief. In my opinion, it is a payoff for favorable treatment. This is like the way cartels and the mafia work. Pay for play? Grrrr

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