Well, there’s one white guy who definitely isn’t a white supremacist….Joe Biden.

He’s fairly white but he isn’t supreme at anything. In fact, he makes dull normal look good. A white subpremacist , an oaf, a liar, and a schmuck.

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Biden's voters are dupes who keep their TVs tuned to CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, etc. and who have NPR on their radios. Because of this, Biden can say literally anything, no matter how idiotic, and it becomes the truth. Biden's opening campaign speech was strategically located at a church where nine blacks had been mowed down by an extremerly rare armed white nutjob. What Biden's voters don't know, and will never know, is that almost all of the THOUSANDS of blacks who are murdered across the USA EVERY YEAR are murdered by other blacks: BIPOCs Are Destroying New York City / Blacks commit murder at 30 times the white rate: https://www.amren.com/videos/2023/09/bipocs-are-destroying-new-york-city/

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It is fun that all the elites telling us we need to ignore and reject whites are... white. So I’m just ignoring them, as they insist.

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The mind-boggling hypocrisy and pandering is hard to wrap one's head around!

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We aren’t “white supremacists;” we’re white accomplishists. No one has ever accomplished anything allowing the creation and sustainment of modernity, but us. Fact.

One must understand complex systems to sustain the complex, modern world. It’s estimated than an IQ of 115 is required to understand this complexity. The global south average IQ is around 70-80. Examples? What happened in Rhodesia and South Africa as soon as the white men disappeared? Systems, including modern farming, fell apart, the locals unable to understand, and so maintain these systems.

China has a high average IQ, but do you know why no craters on the moon have Chinese names? They never were smart enough to melt sand & invent glass... They began serious seaborne exploration, but then burned their ships & turned inward because no one could teach them anything.. and - Could a people with a tonal language have invented the digital computer... the Information Age? Nope. Required an alphabetic language.

From a meme that is inarguable:


The history of humanity is one of constant conflict and competition for resources like land, food, water, and women. You whine about the fact that Europeans were and are better at this contest than any other race of men in the world. You losers want us to regret being better at conquest and exploration than you were. You want apologies and reparations from people who were stronger and smarter than you, people who unequivocally won.


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