Be so good to see our asshole-in-chief gone.

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I am so sick of the Biden's America Last policy. He has been unbelievably terrible as president.

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Thank you for keeping the TREACHERY of people in CONgress and FEMA highlighted! ALL SHOULD BE DEFUNDED and TORN TO SHREADS and we should be able to bank the money and use it when disasters strike. AND WHEN those 'DISASTERS' are PURPOSELY CAUSED by some SICK, SATANIC SOCIOPATHS (billionaires and current and past 'politicians') THEY SHOULD HAVE TO PONY UP TO PAY FOR ALL OF IT! People whose homes were GONE should get 20X the value to rebuild--for pain and suffering! BUT GOD! Everyone should listen to Julie Green's prophecy from December 5th. God has had a GUTFULL of the satanist pukes and He is about to exact His RETRIBUTION. God is SO GOOD!

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I recall FEMA stayed a whole lot longer in NOLA after Katrina! My nephews drove and dropped the FEMA trailers for at least two years.

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A total travesty. I question who or where accountability from the right is? I hear no one NO ONE speaking up about this in Senate or House. I’m hoping President Trump deals with this as well as J6ers situation.

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Yes, that is because CONgress is ROTTEN TO THE CORE! They will ALL BE EXPOSED BY GOD ALMIGHTY! Accountability is almost here!

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