Whew! I was really getting tired of writing checks, which requires a stamp, an envelope and a trip to the post office. It was exhausting! The Public Utility District doesn’t even provide a return envelope! Such a pain. Two years ago I stopped online banking and reverted to mailing checks as my way of fighting back against the planned digital currency tyranny. If enough of us stopped online banking it would slow down the implementation of Central Bank (owned by our federal overlords) Digital Currency.
The long time readers of my Substack newsletter, America First Re-Ignited, know that I considered digital currency to be the civil rights issue of our age. Indeed, it was the mechanism by which the federal government would have total control over every accept of our lives, even the tiny, tiny insignificant ones.
Fulfilling yet another campaign promise and with little fanfare, Thursday, President Donald J. Trump issued an executive order banning the establishment of a central bank digital currency, in a move long supported by Congressional Republicans. This prohibited "the establishment, issuance, circulation, and use of a CBDC within the jurisdiction of the United States.”
The Biden Regime had instructed the Fed to create a CBDC, which was in the pilot stage with 57 participating banks. Once the technology was in place, the next Globalist, Americans-Last president would have outlawed cash and forced every American into digital currency serfdom. THAT was my biggest fear should the demented puppet remain in the Oval Office, or should the kackling Marxist win. With CBDC, the federal government would have total control over how and when each American spends his/her money. They would control both if and when each person received his/her wages, salary, IRA distribution, gift from grandma, funds from selling your house, etc. Digital currency was being designed as a PROGRAMMABLE system so our Federal Overlords could change and control YOUR money at their whim.
Every American should have a rather large compliment of ammunition, and a savings in precious metals. If you have a whole shit ton of money in the bank,you might seriously consider physical precious metals. Banks are pretty much notorious for keeping your money when you most need it.
This puts a big hole in their control bucket.