Trump 45 was successful in getting NATO members to pony up “their fair share” under the NATO agreement by merely using the bully pulpit. I can’t help but wonder if Trump’s recent remarks about the Panama Canal (see article below) will wind up with the Republic of Panama living up to their end of President Carter’s agreement, that is, kicking the Chinese out of their country and operating the Canal themselves.
The “Get Real” pundits explore this topic as well as the H1B Visa which imports foreigners to take jobs away from Americans, and the Jihadist terror attack in New Orleans that killed fourteen. NOTE: I misspoke about the type of vehicle the terrorist was driving. It was an Electric Vehicle, apparently a Ford F-150 Lightning, not a Tesla.
Click here to listen to our 27-minute discussion.
“Get Real” Host, George Caylor and History Professor Steve M. Putney were in George’s studio in Lynchburg, VA taping this podcast on January 2nd. I joined them, via Zoom, from our beach house in Oysterville, Washington (Long Beach Peninsula, Pacific County, at the mouth of the mighty Columbia River).
Each of our podcasts is broadcast on American Christian Network every Saturday, at noon Pacific Time. We normally tape Wednesday mornings for the following Saturday’s radio broadcast.
We’ll see I think he would want to. Not certain he will get a lot of Republicrat support on a lot of things. I hope he does take over PC.
I also try to point out to people, most who can’t get part “orange man bad” or “felon” that Trump makes these outrageous claims because he’s a negotiator. He’s setting the market. “Mexico pays for the wall” becomes “remain in Mexico” etc. Canada to pay 25% tariff becomes multiple Provincial leaders saying they want to work with Trump, and now thankfully, Trudeau is stepping down (may Freedom once again return to our neighbor to the north). Amazing how people can’t understand these outrageous claims are negotiation tactics.