That “Hitler dog” won’t hunt anymore. Nevertheless, Democrats keep whipping it to perform. They are devoid of logic, desperately searching for their next gaslighting scheme to continue stirring up hatred among their mindless followers.
I had long since known that The Left owned Big Media, but it wasn’t until that day, March 4, 2017, that it slapped me upside the head. That day, I attended my first pro-Trump event, called “March For Trump” in a park near our Portland suburb. As the speaker, a Mexican American woman, was leading the attendees in prayer, I was just steps away from a man who was praying with his arm in the air, his eyes closed and his head down.
In their zeal to demonize our new president and his supporters, a leftist rag wrote an article claiming this group of Americans, who were exercising our right of free speech, contained Nazis. The writer used a photo of the praying man as proof the group of Trump supporters contained Nazis. Ha! Now, Americans are used to hearing this BS from Democrats. Eight years ago it was a new pile of manure we had not heard before.
I wrote a comment on the digital version of this article, stating the fact that the man was merely praying. The writer, I kid you not, told me to “fuck off,” for all online readers to see. Why do Liberals have such limited vocabulary? Every other sentence ends with the same profanity. Apparently, he was confident he would keep his job after talking like THAT to a reader.
I am so tired of the Democrats’ love affair with Hitler. Can’t they come up with another analogy, another historic villain to emulate? Where is their imagination? Has all their creativity been beaten out of them by their own “politically correct” BS? They have spent the days following the most exciting inauguration in my lifetime trying to turn Elon Musk, an immigrant from South Africa, into a Hitlerite. Ha! Ha! Ha! Wouldn’t you feel better if you just checked yourselves into sanitarians for a rest, Democrats?
Irony is wasted on these Democrats who, after spending ten years behaving like Nazis, are trying to project their offensive behavior onto their victims.
The ever esteemed Wyden just posted villainous diatribe about it. Such a wonderfully divisive “NY” Senator Oregon has