My Subscribers: I will be a guest on a livestreaming podcast tomorrow, Sunday, June 2nd, from 1PM to 3PM Pacific Time. This topic is VERY timely. See below. Diane
Program for June 2, 2024
Just two weeks ago we did a podcast with lawyers John Eastman and Diane Gruber to expose the U.S. criminal justice system that has become little more than an mindless tool of globalism. Lawfare has become a tool to punish political opponents that refuse to submit to those currently in power and support the goal of Marxist world government. Their political mandate and true intention of ending national sovereignty while spitting in the face of American justice is now beyond dispute. The question becomes.........are we willing to give up all historical frameworks of American justice and our traditional dedication to national sovereignty under guaranteed protections of life, liberty and property; the true foundations of free society? Are we willing to defend our national institutions as a truly free, just and equitable political system functioning under rule of law? Until we refuse to accept the criminal dictates of lawless judges and jurists that ignore our Constitution and the limits imposed on courts to guarantee justice for all, show trials like those in Nazi Germany, Stalin's USSR, and more recently Manhattan, New York will normalize lawfare into permanent judicial tyranny on an international scale. Remaining silent is no longer an option. The vicious and unlawful use of the American Just-Us system to terminate the 2024 Trump campaign and demonize Americans resisting globalism has bridged the intended gap between civil and criminal law, turning civil courts into criminal courts at the whim of politicized judicial activists.
Law has become partisan...........controlled only by those currently in power to assure they will remain in power indefinitely by eliminating all opposition and by controlling the entire election process. The very controversial and unadjudicated 2020 Presidential election became the testing ground for this nexus between courts, politics, propaganda and controlled media. Requests for clarity on thousands of verifiable election anomolies were not only ignored, they were attacked in unison by the controlled media, academia and political partisans. These attacks were noteworthy because the level of off the charts vitriol, not resembling anything heretofore called civility by any traditional standards. Half the U.S. voters were alienated and attacked as domestic terrorists by a visibly senile figurehead while the FBI and Justice Department became weapons of mass destruction against President Trump and his 80+ million supporters. These attacks became so unfair that even many of Trump's opponents questioned the source of the vitriol, sensing a much deeper problem than merely partisan politics. Moreover, although many Americans still form their opinions from televised news sources, more than half of all Americans have permanently turned off network television news and have become increasingly reliant on alternative media sources for news. This is prompting attacks against alternative media and massive censorship campaigns by Big Government and Big Tech to silence those seeking to provide real news to those seeking truthful answers.
The Trump trials in various courts around the country share a common attribute. They are incredibly partisan and are clearly directed to circumvent rule of law to elicit a satisfactory anti-Trump outcome. Fear of reprisal from anti-Trumpers on the left is controlling the courts. Members of the radical left openly intimidate jurists and juries that step out of line with leftist pogroms, threatening harm to them, their careers, and their families. While conservative Supreme Court Justices face mass protests and physical violence for giving a constitutionally based verdict about anything, openly Marxist and violent anarchists are given a free pass to do just about anything they wish with impunity: burning down businesses, attacking Police and civilians, and looting in many of our largest cities. Politically charged professional licensing groups like State Bar Associations have become more abusive and vocal in their support for, and attacks against certain candidates and ideas. Using professional licensing as a tool, these groups are reshaping the legal system. The jury that handed down 34 guilty verdicts in the recent Trump "trial" is a case in point and shows how far our legal system has strayed from the original intent. It is clear that our basic American institutions of law and order are under control by forces far detached from rule of law. Much of our Justice system now represents law by rulers, usually unelected, and frequently, not even American. We have joined a growing list of totalitarian countries where political opponents of the "state" are targeted for isolation and silenced through the courts. When that is not enough to quell the opposition, the next step is imprisonment and/or assassination. Who's next?
It is clear that the current "dear leaders" and their globalist lackeys controlling important government offices are willing to ignore rule of law to attack and eliminate all opponents...................even a duly elected President. The question is WHERE WILL IT END? Maybe it's time we face up to the reality of survival of our families in an increasingly lawless America and reaffirm our responsibility as sovereign citizens to expect and demand a system of unalienable rights under constitutional rule of law. Telephone or write our "representatives" in elected office and let them know we mean business. Enough is enough! Either they support rule of law for all or they must eventually face charges of treason for violations of their oath to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies "foreign and domestic................especially domestic.
This Week's Guest(s) Profile
DIANE L. GRUBER is a now retired attorney that practiced law in the Portland Metro area since 1987. She specialized in Family Law, Bankruptcy, Probate and Estate Planning. She consistently provided thorough, ethical, and strategic services to her clients. She was an excellent bankruptcy and family law attorney, and was known for her openly civil libertarian views about the role of civil and criminal courts in protecting individual liberty and the concept of innocent until proven guilty. Her landmark case Gruber & Runnels v Oregon State Bar challenged the right of a State Bar Association to control the political disposition of the law through licensure and censure policies controlling the right to practice law in the State. In Oregon, the State Bar could set and guide political parameters, and frequently did so, by censure of attorneys and ideas unpopular with the very liberal and politicized Oregon Bar Association.
Diane is a frequent guest on podcasts and is an outspoken advocate for free speech in an increasingly draconian media environment. She is a regular contributor at: where she contributes thoughtful columns on the American and international Deep State.
John Lamb is a farmer, successful businessman, husband, and father of 12 living in Norris, Montana. John has run unsuccessfully as the Libertarian Candidate for US Congress and also for the Montana State Senate on a platform of limited, constitutional and servile government "of, by, and for the people". He hit the national stage with his in person reporting of the Portland, Oregon, federal criminal trials of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge defendents and led fund raising efforts in their behalf to defray legal expenses. Being raised in a home school Mennonite family, John was taught personal responsibility, hard work, love thy neighbor, and service to his fellow man and taught that same philosophy to his 12 home schooled children.
He is a self educated student of history and the Protestant framework of the common law system at the heart of American government and Juris Prudence. John lives a full life as a teacher, patriarch, neighbor and advocate for those who become targets of repressive and irresponsible government overreach.
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Connecting the Dots Radio Broadcast | PO Box 243, Pony, MT 59747
Love that “Just-Us” line. It really is what is going on. I watched the last one you did with John Eastman. Thank you Diane for your steadfast support of our constitution and rule of law. I’ll tune in tomorrow. Justice is dead, it’s their just-us now.
It’s dead. Waiting to be buried. What is not (yet) grasped by the enemy elites in DC & Davos is this: