Americans: There is no end to the Deep State's grifting. According to Elon Musk, FEMA is still spending $$$ on illegals. Just LAST WEEK they sent $59 million to luxury hotels in New York City to house illegals. In December, a family of three froze to death overnight sleeping in a tent in Western North Carolina BECAUSE FEMA REFUSED to give them a motel voucher. If Trump shuts down enough of the grifting, he may be able to lower income taxes for We The People AGAIN. Below is an article I published October 4th, over a week after Hurricane Helene hit North Carolina. Diane
Mayorkas To Helene Survivors: We Spent All $$$ On Illegals, You Are On Your Own!
I thought that slimy snake, otherwise known as Biden/Harris’s DHS Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, was dead. We The People had not gazed upon his upturned nose and smug little face for weeks until he slithered out from under his rock Wednesday to tell the Hurricane Helene victims something like this: “There are no FEMA funds left for you. We spent ALL the $1 Billion^ that was earmarked for natural disasters on treating illegal aliens as though they are visiting VIPs and we are not giving you the FEMA trailers they bought for illegals two years ago, either. AND we certainly will not help you vote on November 5th”
These greedy sociopaths knew a bad hurricane season was coming. August 8th, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration determined that America should be prepared for an “extremely active hurricane season,” projecting between four & seven major hurricanes, as well as several additional less severe storms, between June 1st and November 30th.
“Let’s go and point out the obvious which is that FEMA had utilized a large majority of the personnel who should be here taking care of this to be replaced or repurposed for immigration resettlement when we need to be focusing on Americans whether it be in Maui, Palestine, Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, or Tennessee,” Republican Florida Rep. Cory Mills said on Wednesday. Mills suspended his campaign for re-election. He has been in North Carolina for days in a recover-and-rescue mission to help bring in supplies for victims because the Biden/Harris Regime WON’T.
As if Mayorkas was not insulting enough, “unburdened by what has been” Kamala arrived in Augusta, Georgia Wednesday. She squeezed this visit in between her campaign fundraising duties with her wealthy California buddies and giving her 5th, or is it her 6th, interview as presidential candidate wherein she was totally unable or unwilling to explain her “opportunity economy” scheme which would shove virtually all middle class Americans into poverty or near poverty. She even dressed for the occasion. She took off that $62,000 Tiffany necklace and donned what looked like a brand new FEMA jacket. On second look, she WAS wearing a necklace. It probably cost only $50,000.
Standing in front of a fallen tree and as articulate as ever, Harris said: “The federal relief and assistance that we have been providing includes FEMA providing $750 for folks who have immediate needs being met, such as food, baby formula, and the like, and you can apply now for anyone watching this who has been affected. There are FEMA personnel^ who are going door to door to interact with people, especially those who do not have electricity. But, also that that aid, if you have electricity, can be applied for online and I encourage people to do that. Basically, they will verify your address, and the process shall take hold.” She refused to take questions AND did not tell the starving survivors it would take TEN DAYS to receive the $750.
Hey, Kamala, you arrogant jackass: In many locations there are NO STORES, OR NO WAY TO GET TO THE STORE. If these Americans live long enough, they may be able to spend the money next month. Was she aware that there are NO FEMA PERSONNEL IN THE MOST HARD HIT AREAS? Oh, never mind! She can’t be bothered learning the facts of life from these pions. After two hours, she had had enough of this photo-op and hopped back on Air Force Two.
Last year Kammie announced that relief funds should be distributed, not by need, but my race. Equity demands it, she said. So, my question is: Will white Americans qualify for the $750? Some residents believe the Biden/Harris Regime is denying them the aid their tax dollars paid for because their areas voted heavily for President Trump in 2020.
The only help these hurricane survivors are receiving, other than from private citizens doing what they can to help their fellow Americans, has come from PRIVATE entities such as Glenn Beck’s Mercury One charity, Franklin Graham’s Samaritans’ Purse, Elon Musk’s Starlink and various businesses who are providing supplies, money and manpower. Oh, and the only national leader to lend assistance is Donald J. Trump. You might recognize his name. One of the 2024 presidential candidate demands, DEMANDS that Americans’ taxes be substantially raised: WHEN HELL FREEZES OVER!
Great reminder of how awful the Biden/Harris/Obama administration was. That smug little turd Mayorkas fit in perfectly with the rest, and when you include sister Garland they're a complete cluster. I wrote about this on October 4 of last year ( Great article, Diane. Thanks.
They are still pissing on the tax paying public. They don’t care. Sure hope some accountability takes place and I don’t trust the American broken system to do it. I trust President DJT however the defiant Marxist commie system is apparently in place enough to keep doing this stupid sh*t. Unbelievable. And 47% voted to keep this sh*t going???!