Have you heard about the Jennifer Granholm photo op that flopped all over the internet? It revealed a key fact that the Biden Regime has been hiding: an EV charging network does NOT exist! She planned a four-day Charlotte, North Carolina-to-Memphis, Tennessee road trip of (mostly) EVs to sell the electric vehicle hoax. [FOUR DAYS to drive 635 miles!!!!] However, she almost got arrested in Georgia when another EV driver called the police. Ha! Ha! Ha!
Granholm's ambitious southern trip was "painstakingly mapped out ahead of time to allow for charging” according to her staff; however, she drew the ire of one family, due to a problem familiar to all electric car drivers. She sent an aide in a GAS-POWERED car ahead to block & save an EV charging station for her car near Augusta, Georgia. Since this caravan of fools were driving the most expensive EVs, with the most mileage range per charge, they should have only had to charge up twice: before they left Charlotte and halfway to Memphis. So, they have trouble finding one charging station? I wonder if they flew home from Memphis.
The trip was planned to draw attention to the billions of dollars the White House is pouring into green energy and “clean” cars. Ha! It is yet MORE proof that they are wasting billions of your tax dollars on this green energy scheme.
By way of comparison, my husband & I drive 1,400 miles, four times each year, to/from our beach house on the Washington Coast to our mountain cabin in the Black Hills of South Dakota. It takes us four days, like it took Granholm to drive 635 miles. We have no trouble finding gas stations, but we have only spotted two EV stations on our route: The Dalles, Oregon and Butte, Montana, both of which are on interstate freeways. Depending upon the amount of charge one’s EV can hold that would require us to charge up 5 to 7 times. Each hook up would require 20 minutes to four hours for a full charge. Gassing up takes about 10 minutes.
To be fair to Secretary Granholm, she was putting on town halls along the way to sell the Electric Vehicle “green” energy hoax, and we weren’t. Lying to the American people takes time.
Every Tesla electric charging station I have seen provides electricity from a DIESEL GENERATOR hidden inside a nearby shed. I am confused! Doesn’t diesel come from EVIL fossil fuels? Aren’t fossil fuels destroying the environment, causing “climate change?” Or is it “global warming?”
Democrats, Globalists & various grifters claim “climate change” is an existential threat to humanity and therefore YOU, not them, must give up your gas-powered cars, while they fly around in private jets and invest in China’s slavery-driven mineral mining companies which provide the minerals needed to build the electric batteries.
Due to the blatant hypocrisy of politicians and bureaucrats, I started researching electric vehicles. In September 2022 I published the article you will find at the end of this article. Afterwards I discovered that DIESEL GENERATORS produce the electricity to recharge Tesla’s electric vehicles. Say what?

A friend of mine owns and runs a grocery/hardware store with gas pumps in a beach community in Washington State. Here is what he has to say about electric charging stations:
“The state has tried multiple times to get me to install a charging station for electric vehicles. The latest offer included free equipment and installation; BUT, I needed to maintain and operate them for ten years. That is eight years beyond the equipment warranty. The cost of three phase power (commercial electricity)^ far exceeds any potential revenue. Powering the charging station with a diesel generator is far more economical.”
Bingo!!! EV charging stations that use electricity are three times as expensive to operate as EV charging stations that use diesel. Why does every government scheme turn out to be more expensive for consumers and business people? It is just a matter of time before the Marxist State of Washington FORCES this small business owner to install electric vehicle charging stations, even if the stations cost him money.
As you can see, building Tesla batteries is extremely damaging to the earth, and is not “protecting the environment” as the global warming hustlers claim. They just want to force you out of your car, off your land and trap you in a small apartment in a Democrat controlled, filthy, crime ridden city. [NOTE: The Thacker Pass Lithium Mine is a lithium clay mining development project in Humboldt County, Nevada, which is the largest known lithium deposit in the US and one of the largest in the world. There has been significant exploration of Thacker Pass since 2007.]

As a young man plugged in his electric vehicle seen in the photo above, I asked him about the cost to fully charge the battery. He told me it was his mother’s car and he was driving from Missoula, MT to Billings MT (345 miles on I-90 freeway the entire way). He did not know how much it cost for a full charge. He stopped in Butte, about 120 miles from Missoula, to charge up because he knew he could not get to Billings on one charge. He was not too excited about the Tesla, but his mother liked it.

And another one. I have yet to find a Tesla EV charging station that is NOT run by “evil” fossil fuel.
By The Way: Any electric vehicle can charge up at a Tesla EV station, and vice versa. It is my understanding that the driver merely hooks up using a converter plug which he carries in his car.
I cannot completely answer that question. The electric vehicle charging stations I have seen which are not Tesla stations appear to be using electricity to charge electric vehicles. This writer took each of these five photos of Tesla stations as I was driving to & from the Washington Coast to the gorgeous Black Hills of South Dakota, and around the Black Hills.
Ford has stated that they lose $60,000 on every EV they produce.
It’s intuitively obvious…….to some of us!