During Joe Biden’s tenure as vice president, a 21-year-old, mentally ill, white man, Dylann Roof entered Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Shelby, South Carolina and shot ten worshippers, killing nine. All victims were African Americans. To pretend that Trump supporters are all “white supremacists” whom black Americans must fear, the race-baiter-in-chief chose this church as the location to perform his second campaign speech.
Have you noticed how Democrats and other America Last haters modified the definition of “white supremacists” to include all of Trump’s supporters? Ha!!! Less than a decade ago, the FBI listed 20,000 “white supremacists,” mostly men, mostly uneducated, mostly nonviolent, who sat around and complained about their lot in life. Now, to increase fear between neighbors and to pander for more failed socialist programs, Democrats are pretending 50-60 percent of Americans are white supremacists.
Half screaming, half whispering, Biden gave his trademark rant of projection: pretending that black Americans under his regime have never been better off, completely ignoring the historical gains made in the black community under President Trump’s policies. Why does Biden always treat his audiences like they are stupid, like they have no memory?
The "Act Prohibiting the Importation of Slaves" took effect in 1808. Like it was yesterday, Biden mentioned that the church was just half a mile from where newly-arrived slaves disembarked in the Charlotte Harbor, implying that black Americans would not be safe should Trump return to office. The most exciting part of his speech occurred when anti-Israel, pro-Hamas protesters started shouting and had to be removed. Can’t wait to see how Biden turns Martin Luther King’s birthday into another fear mongering pander fest.
If you can stand the pandering, watch his second campaign speech here.
His first campaign speech was so bad, my God. Can it get any worse? Oh, yes.
As my beloved mother used to say about stupid asses “He’s dead and too dumb to fall over!” That’s our Moron in chief, Brandon!