During his lame duck period, the 76 days between Trump’s landslide and Trump’s Day One, Joe Biden and his America Last henchmen are extra busy harming Americans and sabotaging Trump’s America First Agenda. They are throwing away OUR tax dollars as fast as they can so President Trump won’t have access to them, AND they are stealing OUR building materials. The “Get Real” pundits discuss two ways Democrats are showing Americans how much they hate us: Click here to listen to our 27-minute discussion.
“Get Real” Host, George Caylor and History Professor Steve M. Putney were in George’s studio in Lynchburg, VA taping this podcast on December 18th. I joined them, via Zoom, from our beach house in Oysterville, Washington (Long Beach Peninsula, Pacific County, at the mouth of the mighty Columbia River).
Each of our podcasts is broadcast on American Christian Network every Saturday, at noon Pacific Time. We normally tape Wednesday mornings for the following Saturday’s radio broadcast.
When the Biden crime family chapter is closed, they will go down as the most incompetent and corrupt administration in US history. To those of the Christian faith, we have to continue to stand strong and be unashamed of the name of Jesus Christ. Great conversation and Happy Holidays, Diane 🙏🏾
Probably should refrain from comment.