The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC),* perhaps the biggest & longest running race-baiting hate group in America, admitted sending an attorney/employee to participate in the riots in Atlanta. He was arrested for and charged with domestic terrorism after rioting in the Atlanta police training facility, which is still under construction. Thomas Webb Jurgens, age 28, was among 23 other domestic terrorists (AKA Antifa**) who were arrested in recent days. Rioters hurled bricks and Molotov cocktails at police officers, set cars on fire and destroyed valuable construction equipment.
The SPLC jokingly describes itself as a "catalyst for racial justice in the south and beyond, working in partnership with communities to dismantle white supremacy, strengthen intersectional movements, and advance the human rights of all people." Ha! Jurgens is pasty white and was one of only two Georgia residents who were arrested. The remaining 21 arrestees traveled from out of state or out of the country to join this riot. Did SPLC pay them?

Jurgens’ arrest highlights the debasement of the legal profession that has been ongoing for at least 20 years now. This process was greatly accelerated by Attorney Barack Hussein Obama while he occupied the White House. The DC Bar and many blue state bars have been taken over by the Hard, Hard Left. Indeed, one would be hard pressed to find a non-partisan judge in Washington DC. These bars push every America-Hating Marxist policy that comes along. They use their licensing authority to mandate Marxist training, to coerce attorneys into “volunteering” for Leftist causes, to suppress Freedom of Speech & Freedom of the Press among attorneys and to promote Leftist violence.
Oregon State Bar:
In July 2020 two Oregon attorneys were arrested as part of a group who were rioting outside the federal courthouse in Portland. Attorneys trying to vandalize a courthouse, there must be a joke in there somewhere.
After a night of rioting in Portland outside the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse on July 21, 2020, the US Attorney's office brought federal charges against five people who were arrested by federal agents. Two of them were and ARE attorneys: Jennifer Lynn Kristiansen and Zachary Duffly.
Kristiansen, age 37, was charged with misdemeanor assault on a federal officer and a misdemeanor charge of failing to obey a lawful order. She appears to be a member of the domestic terrorist group Black Lives Matter. Another attorney, Duffly, age 44, was charged with one count of disorderly conduct on federal property, also a misdemeanor.^ It isn’t known if he is a member of Portland-grown Antifa or BLM.
In April 2018 the Oregon State Bar^^ issued a two-page statement (pages 42 & 43) in their monthly magazine threatening to discipline any attorney who openly voiced support for President Trump and/or his policies. Within weeks of this threat the OSB filed three disciplinary charges against yours truly for articles I had written. My Oregonian article, which implied that I supported Trump, was over a year old at that point. In the other articles I criticized some of The Left’s woke poppycock. Since they had no jurisdiction over my First Amendment Rights, the Bar eventually dropped these bogus disciplinary actions. They knew they couldn’t disbar me. They were persecuting me in order to silence me and to intimidate other attorneys.
A check of the Oregon State Bar’s website reveals that these two rioters remain attorneys in good standing, their licenses to practice intact. An attorney does not have to be convicted of a crime to be disciplined by the OSB; but, had an attorney been arrested for the EXACT SAME OFFENSE in the name of a conservative cause, the disciplinary complaint would be flying through cyberspace into his/her email inbox before he/she was released from jail.
State Bar of California:
Apparently, there were no California attorneys arrested during the 2020 BLM/Antifa riots. However, the Bar showed its support for the rioters by filing disciplinary charges against Marla Anne Brown, an attorney who CRITICIZED the rioters online. On Twitter, as the rioters were killing people and setting fires, Brown responded to MSNBC host Joe Scarborough’s tweet supporting the riots by tweeting “Let’s go burn your house down with you in it.” Her response to President Trump’s “when the looting starts, the shooting starts,” was “They need to be shot.” Charges are still pending.
Brown’s tweets are protected by the First Amendment. Perhaps her remarks weren’t “nice” but nowhere in the Bill of Rights does it say that speaking/writing must be polite. It is highly likely that the Bar is persecuting Brown because she agreed with Trump. If she is a Trump supporter, the Bar is punishing her to make an example out of her, to intimidate other attorneys as the Oregon State Bar did.
The State Bar of California is currently trying to disbar President Trump’s attorney John Eastman, claiming he had no right to give Trump legal advice. That will be the subject of a future article on America First Re-Ignited.
New York State Bar:
Attorney Urooj Rahman and attorney Colinford Mattis, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit arson and possessing an explosive device. Rahman threw a gasoline-filled bottle, AKA Molotov cocktail, through the police car's already-broken window and fled in a minivan driven by Mattis during the BLM/Antifa riots in New York City in May 2020. The New York State Bar wasted no time disbarring them after they were convicted.
State Bar of Georgia:
As we go to press, Thomas Webb Jurgens has not been suspended from the practice of law in Georgia, nor has the Bar begun a disciplinary action against him. He is an “active member in good standing.” Active? Is he practicing law from his jail cell? This is both disappointing and frightening. If a LAWYER does not respect the Rule of Law, how can our society expect its citizens to do so?