The more we learn, the more Americans know that the Deep State, the DC Swamp, the Biden Regime (whatever you want to call them) INTENTIONALLY put 45 & 47 in harm’s way. How do we know that? They did not secure the roof of a building that had a direct line of sight, barely 500 feet away, to Candidate Trump’s head. I don’t mean to brag but, had I been there, I would have been guarding that building against a bad guy trying to use it as a platform to shoot Trump. It was THAT OBVIOUS!
The Biden Regime may as well have sent out engraved invitations to every person suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome who owned a rifle. Very little training was needed to use that rifle. Had Trump not turned his head just as the assassin was squeezing the trigger, Thomas Matthew Crooks would have gone down in history has the man who stopped the MAGA Movement.
The Trump Campaign repeatedly requested increased Secret Service protection and was repeatedly turned down. The corrupt slime ball, Alejandro Mayorkas, did however, REMOVE some agents from Trump’s team in order to increase security around Jill Biden. What would be the point of killing a first lady? What kind of name for himself could a lunatic make for taking out Jill? After all, isn’t FAME the point of taking out the likes of Donald J. Trump, the most popular political figure in recent memory?
Most Americans don’t trust the FBI, the DOJ, the DHS, the ATF, the CDC, the NHI nor any federal agencies because they are populated with Swamp creatures who are far less interested in serving the American people than they are in exercising power over We The People while sucking up our tax dollars. Americans know that we will never know the full facts why a very young man was able to get a bullet so close to the leading candidate for president, WHO WAS SUPPOSED TO BE PROTECTED. Below is a how one of my Substack readers views the assassination attempt:
This is pure speculation:
I think some Washington Insiders decided to do away with Trump.
The UNIPARTY, comprised of Democrats, RINOs, Deep State, Administrative State and The Swamp are probably all involved.
I, nor anyone else, could ever prove it.
And, with the shooter dead and unable to talk, like Lee Harvey Oswald who was shot dead by Jack Ruby in the basement of the Dallas Police Station, the JFK assassination in 1963 became a nightmare of speculation that to this day remains unresolved.
The UNIPARTY doesn’t care which political party is in power in Washington, D.C., which probably accounts for the overly sanguine attitude of Republicans when it comes to taking charge of government in the Capitol. Both political parties benefit either way.
However, with Donald Trump and his MAGA Republicans in the House and Senate, that sanguinity may become aggressive MAGA action. For that reason, Trump is targeted for assassination.
With Trump out of the way – Ron DeSantis, the groomed former congressman and Washington Insider is proclaimed the Republican Party’s new leader at the RNC convention that starts tomorrow, which would have given the Insiders plenty of time before Thursday’s big wrap-up to choose their new presidential candidate and his running mate.
Who does Ron DeSantis select for a running mate?
None other than Nikki Haley, another UNIPARTY insider.
Washington Insiders (Club for Growth, Koch Brothers, Bushes, Karl Rove, etc.) spent more than $210 million to have DeSantis defeat Trump. DeSantis was aware of the Mar-A-Lago raid well before it occurred, which is why he was conveniently unavailable and out of state at the time.
Nikki Haley, another Washington Insider, spent $100 million on her campaign, some of it after she knew she couldn’t defeat Trump.
The UNIPARTY must be deeply disappointed the assassination plot didn’t work out, allowing them to create their Republican Presidential Team of --DeSantis-Haley.
Pure speculation, but . . .
Great article and great comment. We can't prove it but it sure sounds about right! God bless Trump and his VP and keep them safe.
I think it’s pretty clear this is not a lone wolf attack. Very tired of being spoon-fed this narrative . SO much had to happen for this guy to be able to do what he did. I keep saying it’s time to take a serious look at MK ultra and mind control. This is the same pattern that plays out crisis after crisis. Traumatized children make for prime mind control subjects.