Three weeks ago, hope returned to these United State of America after four years of wondering and worrying what would become of our nation as we headed into financial collapse and what would become of our society as we headed into lawlessness & debauchery. This was a presidential election like no other, and we have much to be thankful for. The election process not only worked to right the ship of state by putting an America-lover in charge, it will likely return sanity to our culture, as well. The Left has been chipping away at our civil society for decades now; however, Americans, via their ballots, finally shouted:
No more race and gender preferences in schools and workplaces. No more language and thought police. No more cancel culture. No more hatred of America’s history. No more castration of children. No more race-baiting. No more anti-Semitism. No more putting asinine DEI before merit. No more indoctrinating America’s children to hate their country. No more anti-Christianity. No more boys in girls’ sports and boys in girls’ restrooms. No more race grifting. No more placing foreign nationals above Americans. No more training Americans to dislike each other.
No more woke insanity. Period!
As our new president fights to restore what has been stolen from We The People, we cannot rest. He needs our support. This Thanksgiving Day, Americans have much to be grateful for, but the battle is not over. Indeed, it has just begun.
Great writing and SO TRUE! I have not yet begun to fight! This is a battle between Good and evil and GOOD HAS ALREADY WON! evil is sunk and they will do literally ANYTHING to try to keep power. No matter what they do, their end will be the same...LAKE OF FIRE for ETERNITY awaits them.
We have much to be thankful for. Nevertheless, we should remember we have only just begun to deal with the many problems the Biden/Harris administration--and most especially their handlers--have created:
"Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."--Winston Churchill
Happy Thanksgiving!