Life in America has been very bleak since We The People realized that the 2020 presidential election was rigged by the Democrats, AND that a life-long, corrupt politician with dementia would be acting as President of the United States of America for four years. We knew that he and his handlers, mostly leftovers from Obama’s America-Last Regime, would wipe out all of the America First improvements that President Trump accomplished. However, who could have predicted that this Hate-America, Hate-Americans crowd could do SO MUCH HARM in a relatively short period of time? Who could have known that Biden’s handlers would rule as Marxists who hated their own people?
Do not despair! More & more Americans are waking up! Despite media coverups, phony narratives, disinformation and delusions, despite massive censorship, FACTS have a way of “leaking” out. As a Baby Boomer, I feel guilty that I didn’t wake up sooner, that I didn’t do more sooner. Now that I am retired from the practice of law, I MUST do my part to ensure the freedoms I was born with will be enjoyed by younger generations.
What can you expect from America First Re-Ignited? Facts. Facts you may not find elsewhere. Opinion. My take on what the Democrats/Marxists and the Republicans are doing and why they are doing it. I can’t do this alone. I welcome any & all information, tips, heads-ups, etc. from America Firsters. You may email me directly at Please put “America First Re-Ignited” in the subject line.